From mouth-watering culinary adventures to heartwarming journeys across Asia, these reality TV series on Netflix offer a diverse range of entertainment that will keep you hooked from start to finish.
The Hungry and the Hairy (2021)
Embark on a delectable road trip through Korea with buddies Rain and Ro Hong-chul as they explore the country’s culinary delights and scenic landscapes.
Twogether (2020)
Join stars Lee Seung-gi and Jasper Liu on an unforgettable journey across Asia as they forge friendships, connect with fans, and immerse themselves in local cultures.
J-Style Trip (2020)
Megastar Jay Chou and his A-list friends take viewers on a globe-trotting adventure filled with music, magic tricks, and plenty of surprises.
Let’s Feast Vietnam (2023)
Follow seven teams of content creators from across Asia as they compete in a thrilling culinary competition across Vietnam, showcasing their skills and creativity for a chance to win a cash prize.
Ainori Love Wagon: Asian Journey (2017)
Seven men and women board a pink bus in search of true love. On a journey through Asia with strangers, their goal is to return to Japan as a couple.
Wassup Man GO! (2020)
Join the famously unfiltered star Joon Park on a personal and colorful romp through Los Angeles as he embarks on an audition and explores the city he calls home.
Korea No.1 (2022)
Watch as Yu Jae-seok, Lee Kwang-soo, and Kim Yeon-koung travel across Korea, learning from traditional masters in various fields as they compete to become the ultimate apprentice.